N.N.N.N. (2002), Quintett (1993) and One Flat Thing, reproduced (2000): these three works from the U.S. master allow us to dive into William Forsythe’s complex universe. N.N.N.N., a quartet for four male dancers that explores the different combinations of the human anatomy — producing a counterpoint of movements and sounds, like a kind of living percussion. Quintett, an intimate, dark work, which has the dancers spinning to Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet by Gavin Bryars, using all the variations possible between the five dancers. And One Flat Thing, reproduced, a vast abstract work, bordering on an art installation, that allows Forsythe to play a game of breathtaking combinations: a choreographic fugue for 14 dancers and 20 tables.
Quintett, un ensemble intimiste et crépusculaire qui fait tournoyer les êtres sur l’œuvre musicale de Gavin Bryars, Jesus’ Blood never failed me yet – jouant de toutes les variations possibles entre les cinq danseurs.
N.N.N.N., un quatuor pour quatre interprètes masculins, qui explore les combinaisons de l’anatomie humaine – produisant un contrepoint de mouvements et de sons, à la manière d’une percussion vivante.
One Flat Thing, reproduced
One Flat Thing, Reproduced, grande fresque abstraite à la frontière de l’installation plastique, qui permet à Forsythe de déployer un jeu de combinatoires vertigineux ; une fugue chorégraphique pour 20 tables et 14 danseurs.
One Flat Thing, reproduced 18 min