
Noëllie Conjeaud

Noëllie Conjeaud graduated from the École de l'Opéra national de Paris at the age of 16 and joined the company as a quadrille dancer. She danced for the Ballet de l'Opéra national de Bordeaux and then for Les grands ballets canadiens, where, from 2008, she encountered more contemporary works (Mats Ek, Ohad Naharin, Mauro Bigonzetti....). After a year with the Scottish Ballet, she joined the Compañia nacional de danza in Madrid as a soloist. In 2015, she joined the Lyon Opera Ballet. There she danced the full range of the repertoire, as well as memorable solos such as Actus, which Lucinda Childs wrote for her as part of 'Danser encore'.


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