• Saison 2024-2025
  • Concert
  • Concert

Pocket Symphonies

Chamber music

  • Dates Nov 24, 2024
  • Rates From €13 to €26
  • Location Palais Bondy – Salle Molière
  • Running Time 1 hour

In a few words

The Orchestra musicians and Lyon Opera Choir singers are gathered for a cycle of chamber music concerts.
A perfect opportunity to discover pieces in a more intimate setting, in three places which represent the full range of Lyon’s artistic offer: the Musée Gadagne, the newly-reopened Salle Molière, and the Lyon Opera Amphi.


Musicians Beethoven and Hummel were firm, close friends. The former worked on symphonies written by the latter to create arrangements – which was highly usual and normalised in the early 19th century – for small chamber ensembles. Come rediscover seminal pieces from the classical symphony repertoire through a more intimate approach.


Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 2 arranged by Johann Nepomuk Hummel
Symphony No. 7 arranged by Johann Nepomuk Hummel

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