As the year draws to a close, both young and old love to hear traditional Christmas carols. Be sure to make a note of the date for this now traditional concert by the Lyon Opera Children’s Choir.
The Lyon Opera Children's Choir, which appears in many of this season's opera productions, here performs Christmas carols. Led by musical director Karine Locatelli, the children bring new life to the melodies that marked our childhood. This event is also an opportunity to pay tribute to the enormous commitment of these young artists and the teams that accompany them.
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
A Ceremony of Carols, op. 28
Sophie Bellanger, harpe
‑ Procession (Hodie Christus natus est)
‑ Wolcum Yole !
‑ There is no Rose
‑ Balulalow
‑ As dew in Aprille
‑ This little Babe
‑ Interlude
‑ In Freezing Winter Night
‑ Spring Carol
‑ Deo Gratias
‑ Recession (reprise de Hodie Christus natus est)
Sérénade Op31 pour ténor, cor et cordes
Robert Lewis, ténor soliste du Lyon Opéra Studio
Jean-Philippe Cochenet, cor solo
Georges Bizet (1838-1875)
Farandole, extraite de L’Arlésienne
Franz Schubert (1797-1928)
Psaume 23
« Gott ist mein Hirt »
Gustav Holst (1874-1934)
In the Bleak Midwinter
Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
Psaume 23 (extraits des Chichester Psalms)
John Rutter (né en 1945)
Angel’s Carol
Aaron Copland (1900-1990)
At the River (extrait des Old American Songs)
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