• Season 2021-2022
  • Concert
Musique de chambre
  • Concert

Rossini, Schumann et les voix

Chamber music

  • Dates Oct 17 - Oct 23, 2021
  • Rates From 12€ to 24€
  • Location Grand Ballet Studio
  • Running Time 01h 00mn

In a few words

COVID-secure Visit
A vaccine passport is required to attend this event.
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Either at the Grand Studio du Ballet, with its unrivalled view of the city, or at the Amphi as part of the Opera Underground program, the musicians of the Lyon Opera Orchestra also perform chamber music concerts in small ensembles.
A great opportunity to discover new music in a simple and accessible way.


Gioachino Rossini
Quartetto pastorale

Robert Schumann
Spanisches liederspiel op 74


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