• Season 2021-2022
  • Concert
Bach en concertos
  • Concert

Bach in Concertos

  • Dates Sep 26, 2021
  • Rates From 10€ to 20€
  • Location Basilique Saint-Martin d'Ainay
  • Running Time 01h 00mn

In a few words

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The irresistible rhythm of Bach's concertos carries the musicians along in this exhilarating programme of works reflecting the effervescence of baroque Europe.


Bach loved Italy and its concertos for multiple instruments. He transcribed those of his famous Venetian contemporary Vivaldi, before composing his own, as here, where woodwind and strings trade phrases representing song and dance.

Concerto pour violon, n°1, BWV 1041, en la mineur
Double concerto pour violon, BWV 1043, enmineur
Concerto pour violon et hautbois, BWV 1060


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